An inspiring testimonial in his own words from Jonathan Nash Glynn after a
private Meditation seccion with Malva at the Ancient Spanish Monastery...
As I followed my breath and kept my eyes open staring into the courtyard focusing on the medieval column it was clear that there was so much illusion (The place itself was transported solid stones from another side of the planet, the music from somewhere else resonating in the hollow stony chambers where monks used to pray as the rain fell from clouds suspended in space beneath the brightness of the sun somewhere blocked. Malva paced the room and spread the scent from a tree from Peru that had cleansing properties according to the shamans....as opposed to envisioning the emptiness of a room without any furniture in it as a way to conceive of emptiness as an object of meditation.
Malvas' approach filled my senses to consider what it would be like without this transported monastery without the music without the rain coming from clouds overhead beneath the blue sky. True emptiness the bottom line after all the Illusions are considered.
It was this delightful approach through the amplification of all my senses that led me to recognize all the beautiful layers and to delight in the illusions
The space that was not enhanced by the illusion of the sounds from music or the reconstructed building I was sitting in.
It became very clear what they were talking about in the freezing cold up in Sag Harbor when I would attend Buddhist classes and they would tell me to imagine the room without anything in to imagine emptiness.
Malva walk into the main area where the monks used to congregate and we did our meditation. She had music that was delightful and they were sounds outside as the rain began to fall in the courtyard. I sat in lotus position and I looked out into the columns from the Middle Ages that screen the view of the Courtyard palms was rhythmically blocked by intimate medieval columns and corroded stones.
The music that Malva had was enchanting and the sound of the falling rain as well.
Here I was in a reconstructed environment from Segovia, Spain with the mood of dreamy music, the natural sounds of the rain; the whole notion that everything was temporal that life moves on and changes in the illusions of real and unreal became apparent.
We talked about my aunt Lois and passing we talked about love.
The difference was that Malva who is from Uruguay played music to encourage the enhancements of my senses my eyes, ears and even the smells. This too she had in this stone cold dark room with candles overlooking an inner courtyard with palms and Balboa trees the sound of her music and the sound of the rain. All of a sudden from a whole different point of view- from my senses, how delightful and almost humorous all the layers are and all the layers are constantly changing while we're alive. It is these layers upon layers that augment my reality and keep changing; that the simple space above it all, space itself is where there are no delusions of transported monasteries or music or the sent of a burning bark transported from a tree in Peru versus the sound of the rain....the sense, the real sense of true space without the delightful distraction of senses and how the beauty of our lives is constantly changing and only the rhythmic inconstancy of my breath pulling in air and letting it go letting it go as my life changes excepts perceives and cherishes only to breathe out and let it go.
I had a visceral sense of this experience today.
Jonathan Nash Glynn
Malva talked about letting things go preparing me for the most remarkable Meditation.
Dear Malva,
I wish I could eloquently express the gratititude I have in finding you.
The classes I've attended at the Ancient Spanish Monastery have been sacred to me.
All 5 senses are awakened from the sound of the music, the scent of your essential oils, the visual feast of the stained glass, garden and stone, the feel of our bodies in unison embracing abundance and the delicious hunger for the brand new day after every class!
(also love awakening our 6th sense of peace and higher vibrations)!
Your teaching style is one of guidance, empowerment, gratitude and love.
Any time I'm able to make your class you can be sure I'll be there.
Thank you for all you give to us and in turn, that we are able to take out into the world. You truly make it a better place!
Website: www.theparisapartment.com
My dear Malva Bee, I just can't put into words HOW much I LOVE coming to your class at the Ancient Spanish Monastery. Throughout my 35 years of practice no other class has ever touched me like yours. Your energy and teaching skills are beautiful. Since starting your class over 1 year ago, I feel like my perspective on life has changed so much for the better. I find myself laughing easier and loving the little things in my days. I just want to thank you so much for creating a space that is so nurturing and healthy. It is ALWAYS a joy to be there. Thank you for all you do!! -
Namaste, Deborah
I want to thank you Malva Bee, for allowing me to take yoga classes with you this summer. I thoroughly enjoyed the location, but most of all the powerful and positive energy you brought to class each time i went. your messages spoke volumes through me and i carry them with me daily and every where i go. i hope to be able to take classes with you again. but for now, my schedule just wont allow it. between work and going to school at night, i just dont have the time. and i am deeply saddened by that because your classes inspire me to be great in my practice. so i will take your inspiration and practice on my own until i have some time to practice with you again.
Thank you again!!!
Melanie Negron
Music Teacher
Spanish Lake Elementary
Namaste! my Dear Malva Bee, I want to thank you, and our Yoga family for welcoming me! My experience has been so insightful, I am now more disciplined in all aspects of my life, but most of all I learned to be AWARE and in the moment, now I am paying attention to everything around me, and it feels wonderful! I'm still a "work" in progress, but I'm getting there! Thank you!!!
Much love,
Dear Malva Bee:
You are devastatingly formidable. I am deeply touched by your words and your very kind attention. The heart is such a powerful symbol
and your heart is a heart of diamond.
It will be an enormous pleasure to see you soon again and to tell you how much I treasure you as a human being and how grateful I am to the Divine Intelligence for having met you! Certainly not a coincidence...
With gratitude,
Fondly, Irène from Austria
Dear Malva: You are devastatingly formidable. I am deeply touched by your words and your very kind attention. The heart is such a powerful symbol
and your heart is a heart of diamond.
It will be an enormous pleasure to see you soon again and to tell you how much I treasure you as a human being and how grateful I am to the Divine Intelligence for having met you! Certainly not a coincidence...
With gratitude,
Fondly, Irène from Austria
Practicing yoga in the 12th C Spanish Monastery has got to be the most spiritual experience in my life. Practicing yoga with Malva heightens the spirituality. Imagine enjoying a great workout within the 800-year-old Gothic walls in the very rooms the monks meditated in. Even if the group is large, Malva manages to provide each one of us with what we are seeking that day. Her wisdom and experience shine through to embrace all of her students. Her unique combination of meditation, yoga, dance and Tai Chi brings out the best in all of us.
We enter a different world through the gates of the monastery, leaving vanity and worldly concerns outside. It is a form of worship without ego. Malva gently pushes us to our limits. After 90 minutes, we emerge from our practice exhausted but refreshed at the same time.
If you are overwhelmed by the demands that this hi-tech world places on you, try some spirituality. It slows down the pace and quenches your thirst, while reminding you of who you are.
Elisabeth D’Antoni
I LOVE taking class at Borba Yoga! This practice of yoga is a soothing balm for the spirit and a delicious workout for the body. I look forward to each class and I LOVE you Malva, so much!
Bobbye Farino
I am so grateful for the time that I had practicing with Malva Bee at the Monastery! When I first came in, I was uncovering my true self, searching and seeking. You, along with the practice of yoga and my own spiritual growth, helped to release and re-energize my spirit. I feel that through that practice, fears and confinements were released that I was holding onto. It was such a time of rebirth for my spirit. I also attended Full Moon yoga, which was such a cleansing experience. I was able to interact and connect with other yogis in a way that I had never before done in a yoga class and learn to let go! I feel that the combination of my own spiritual work in addition to your classes helped me to grow and expand during that time. I'm so grateful and thankful that you share your gift with us and that I could be blessed by your teaching!!! Sending much love and gratitude!! xoxo ~Grace
Ahh... Moonlight on water and warm summer sand. What a delight to practice Borba Yoga on the beach in the soft glow of a circle of candles. Our hearts were being so filled with love for ourselves and each other as Malva led us through the yoga poses. The bonding with one another, and the joy of this beautiful practice was a very special gift for heart, mind, and body. How lovely to connect with our hearts, our bodies and our beautiful yoga teacher Malva Bee. This is an experience for every part of ourselves. My recommendation?
Join us at the next Full Moon Yoga On The Beach!You will love it!!
Boobye Farino
Malva dear,
Allow me to thank you most warmly for your very kind invitation to your Yoga class. It was a unique and unforgettable experience. Your truly exceptional teaching talent, your loving approach toward all the students and the surroundings of The Ancient Spanish Monastery created a special magic. You made us all feel so wonderful! physically, emotionally and spiritually, you made your class very special, that one would say right there on the spot: "Yes, I would love to learn to levitate." I find it delightful to imagine.
Meeting you was no doubt a coincidence - we were meant to meet - I feel very strongly about it and I feel like knowing you for a long time..."Life is like arriving late for a movie, having to figure out what was going on. " Joseph Campbell You are a fantastically rare, radiant and beautiful person with an exotic charm. A blinding blend of subtility.
I was waiting for you on the beach the next day, but you were not there, I was calling you to thank you and invite you for lunch or dinner, but there was only the answering service and my hotel had some troubles with my telephone line, so we missed each other. At present, I am back in Switzerland and feel very sorry that I was not able to thank you as I would have liked to. Hopefully, our paths will cross again.It would be wonderful to see you again.
With admiration,
Irène Hoffmann
806 Zurich
Dear Malva;
Did you know that malva (the plant) grows always next to nettle for a good reason? It is the remedy. When you touch nettles accidently it is right there to rub on your skin and the rush goes away.
In Greek there is a saying “onoma ke pragma” which means it is both so by name and by quality, you are Malva for the stinging ailments of humanity.
I saw your site very briefly as I don’t have internet and yesterday I was very tired, it made me realize how people get burned out and they can not rest properly on a 9 to 5 schedule, the way they cope with that is feeding on the superficial imagined wellness in a fake materialistic society with all it has to offer deadening thus their higher senses.
Giving an alternative to people to raise their consciousness in whatever level, the least that it does, is provide a basis of wellness and then if they have all the tools, sooner or later they will apply them if they so wish.
I understand that you are very busy so I am not expecting an answer. That’s ok, I am working hard in my farm, I am making it presentable, this morning I had an idea that is feasible, exchange it for another farm on a mountain near by which is gorgeous with lots of water running everywhere.
Receive greetings from Greece.
I have been a regular student of Borba Yoga at The Ancient Spanish Monastery in North Miami Beach for the last three years.Malva’s Yoga Meditation practice have become an integral part of my daily life!
It has been a true privilege practicing yoga with this extraordinary and knowledgeable woman who’s heart and soul is open to everyone that comes into her class. Malva’s practice has awaken me to feel the true connection of Mind, Body and Soul.
I have learn to reach a much deeper level of self-awareness, allowing me to tap into a state of consciousness unimaginable before !!!
I am incredibly grateful to have found Malva and to have the opportunity to practice yoga at The Ancient Spanish Monastery. This mystical place makes the whole experience that much more spiritual and peaceful!
I thank you Malva Bee for having me as part of your Yoga Family.
Carmen Western
Yoga practice at the Monastery with Malva Bee has provided me a path back home to the Divine within each and every time!
It is a complete practice of body mind & spirit. Her style is all encompassing and challenging at all levels. Doesn't get better than the opportunity to realign and develop core self with this Yoga Master in this marvelous setting of the Spanish Monastery or under the majestic trees of Greynolds! Namaste, Malva,
Gloria Garcia.
"I love Yoga it definitely improve my way to live, and how my thoughts have changed to a positive ones"
Militza Salazar